Basket Full of Wishes


The perfect gift to spread some sunshine on a cloudy day! Includes roses, spray roses, lilies, mini gerbera daisies, alstroemeria, mini carnations, cushion poms and more! (14″ W x 14″ H)


This bright basket arrangement includes premium yellow roses, yellow spray roses, yellow lilies, yellow mini gerbera daisies, yellow alstroemeria, yellow mini carnations, yellow cushion poms and more.

Product Details

Floral bouquet name: Basket Full of Wishes

Flowers in the design: Premium Yellow ‘Super Sun’ Roses, Yellow ‘Diablo’ Spray Roses, Yellow LA Hybrid ‘Mynnou’ Lilies, Yellow ‘Sundee’ Mini Gerbera Daisies, Yellow ‘Dimension’ Alstroemeria, Yellow ‘Stardust’ Mini Carnations, Yellow ‘Golden Kent’ Cushions, Yellow ‘Mardi Gras’ Solidago, 2″ Yellow Butterflies

Colors in the bouquet: Yellow

Floral container: 8” Brown Round Basket with a handle

Country of origin for flowers: Ecuador, Columbia, Canada, South America

Suggested use: Get Well, Just Because, Thank You, New Baby

Recommended add-ons: Coblentz Assorted Chocolates, Milkhouse Candles, Fisher’s Popcorn, Teddy Bear, Mylar Balloons

Featured Flowers

Premium Yellow ‘Super Sun’ Roses grown in Tabacundo, Ecuador

Yellow ‘Diablo’ Spray Roses grown in Bogota, Colombia

Yellow LA Hybrid ‘Mynnou’ Lilies grown in Columbia

Yellow ‘Sundee’ Mini Gerbera Daisies grown in Ontario, Canada

Yellow ‘Dimension’ Alstroemeria grown in Bogota, Columbia

Yellow ‘Stardust’ Mini Carnations

Yellow ‘Golden Kent’ Cushions grown in Antioquia, Columbia

Yellow ‘Mardi Gras’ Solidago grown in South America

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