Gorgeous Long Stem Pink Roses!
Dozen Pink Roses
$89 – $269
The award-winning floral design team at Hoover-Fisher Florist created this beautiful long stem pink rose bouquet. We offer roses by the dozen. All rose bouquets are available for same-day delivery service.
Product Details
Floral bouquet name: Dozen Pink Roses
Flowers in the design: Long Stem Pink Roses, Baby’s Breath
Colors in the bouquet: Pink, White
Country of origin for flowers: Ecuador, Columbia
Suggested use: Anniversary, Love & Romance
Recommended add-ons: Coblentz Assorted Chocolates, Milkhouse Candles, Fisher’s Popcorn, Teddy Bear, Mylar Balloons
Featured Flowers
Long Stem Pink Roses – are a type of rose that has a long stem. They are typically large, with the most popular being about 60cm in length. These roses are great for giving as gifts and for decorating for special occasions like weddings or birthdays.
The term “long-stemmed” refers to the length of the stem rather than the actual flower itself. These types of roses have very long stems, which make them ideal for placing in vases or around tables during special events. Long-stemmed pink roses are available in many different colors; however, they tend to be on the lighter side of pinks so they don’t overwhelm any other decorations you might have set up at your party or event space.
These types of flowers will keep their color and shape better than shorter varieties because they have been properly cared for prior to delivery. Long stem pink roses in a vase can last anywhere 5 – 7 days, depending on how often they receive proper care.